Art Finance
We take a highly tailored approach to art finance, structuring solutions which are customized to each client’s needs. With deep expertise across a wide range of art and collectibles, we offer ways which can unleash liquidity from $2 million to over $100 million – without the sale of any artworks.
Our expertise spans Old Masters, Impressionism, Modern, Contemporary and Chinese art, as well as other genres. Teaming specialist knowledge with impartial advice, we help our clients navigate the complexities of the art market, effectively and strategically.
Our independent appraisal services are carefully designed for private collectors, wealth managers, attorneys, estates, insurance companies, and professionals from the art world. Through appraisals, our clients are able to understand the full value of what they own.

Jacob Lawrence. Struggle...From the History of the American People, No. 10: We crossed the River at McKonkey's Ferry 9 miles above Trenton...the night was excessvily severe...which the men bore without the least murmur--Tench Tilghman, 27 December 1776. Egg tempera on hardboard, 12 x 16 inches (30.5 x 40.6 cm).
© 2024 The Jacob and Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Foundation, Seattle / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Photo credit: The Jacob and Gwendolyn Lawrence Foundation / Art Resource, NY